Adjusting elements in menu bar and toolbar for perspective

If you want to optimize Neuron Power Engineer for your purposes, usually you will adjust the →views and →editors for the opened perspective. Beyond that, Neuron Power Engineer enables you to show/hide elements in the menu bar and toolbar as you please. All optimizations are applied to the opened perspective.

How to optimize the menu bar and/or toolbar for the →perspective:

  1. Switch to the perspective which you want to optimize.

  2. In menu Window, select Customize Perspective...

  3. In the dialog, go to the appropriate tab:



    Tool Bar Visibility

    showing/hiding elements in toolbar

    Menu Visibility

    showing/hiding elements in menu bar

    Command Groups Availability

    activating/deactivating command groups
    Command groups contribute elements to the menu bar and toolbar as well as key bindings (keyboard shortcuts).
    If you activate/deactivate a command group, the contributed elements and key bindings are shown/hidden in one go. This is different to the tabs Tool Bar Visibility and Menu Visibility where you can show/hide single elements.


    showing/hiding elements in submenu of New, WindowOpen Perspective resp. Show View

  1. In the tab for toolbar resp. menu bar, expand the provided structure to have the included elements visible. In the other tabs, select the appropriate command group resp. the specific submenu.
    Hover a few seconds over an element and you will see details for it, e.g. its key bindings (keyboard shortcuts), the command group contributing the element.  

  2. In the tab, check the box for the element resp. command group that you want to have shown resp. activated. Uncheck the box to have it hidden resp. deactivated.
    If an element is displayed in the tab for toolbar resp. menu bar but you cannot check the box, the command group contributing this element has been deactivated. If you want that the element is shown, you must activate the appropriate command group in tab Command Groups Availability. (Tip: Hover over the element and click the provided command group link to change to the tab.) 

  3. In the tab, click OK to cause the changes to take effect.

If you are satisfied with the new layout, you might want to save your changes by saving the perspective. If not, you might want to reset the perspective in order to discard the changes.